Hollywood and Flower Essences - Die Hard 5

Hollywood and Flower Essences - Die Hard 5

Well the temperature is around 36C, the humidity almost 80%. Quite a lot but yet everybody is busy like always in the basis camp. Every day new fighters are recruited and like every time the experienced soldiers make fun of them. They are about to prepare for the new operation. Everyone belongs to a special unit, there are reconnaissance patrols, messenger, strategists and administrators, troups and single warriors. This is a perfect army, prepared for any worst case you may imagine. They are ready to fight back if necessary, they are perfectly organized and even in times of peace they train and teach new fighters. 

While the sun rises a special unit called Operation Tonsilstorm lead by Bruce Microwillis leaves the basis camp. They are well trained fighters. On their backs they carry special sensors that track down the enemy, on their bodies bags with explosives. They are educated to cross borders and explore foreign territory. They fight without caring for themselves and many of them will die when it comes to an open confrontation. They do not mind.

The unit takes its way on the Red River, they expect the enemy‘s attack right between the twin peaks of Mount Tonsil. Although this entrance has been covered it is still at risk. So our unit waits patiently for the hostile troups to arrive. And waits. And goes on waiting. But no hostiles in sight.

Quiet! Isn‘t there something? Yes, the river that runs between those two mountains seems to accelerate. There must be something! Within one second the fighters are fully alert. And then is goes off: the alarm. The sensors beep, that is the sign to start the fight whoever it may be that crosses the red line and enters the forbidden zone.

The man in charge, leader of the unit, Bruce Microwillis shouts „Showtime“ and everybody follows. With the help of their sensors they approach the enemy as if they were drawn to a magnet. Then they pull the trigger and blow themselves in the air. Many single detonations turn into one big explosion. The sky darkens, the peaks of Mount Tonsil crash into the valley and shut it down. The only way in is closed, it becomes impossible to import the necessary food and energy. The former battle field has become one giant heap of rubble. The enemy is dead and so are the warriors. There is nobody left to congratulate.

In the hinterland panic breaks out. Now one has been cut off from the main river, the source of everything that is vital. The gouvernment gives contradictory orders, chaos everywhere, helpers and bureaucrats block each other, some regions already suffer from severe lack of oxygen. People try the emergency generators but they do not work. The first ones are already dying. Within a very short time all inhabitants share their fate. The defense reaction is a total and complete failure, more than that: a gigantic desaster.

If anyone would survive they may easily notice that no attack at all took place - there were merely a handful of surfers and pedal boat drivers who accidently and unfortunately enjoyed the wonderful river between the two mountain peaks...

You find that absurd?
Well, you are right, it is. Anyway something like that happens everyday everywhere. Just let me tell the same story from another perspective and you will see:

imagine the courageous warriors as white blood corpuscles, that carry Histamine, a stuff that can cause and increase inflammations. These special cells can leave the blood and wander through the body tissues. That is why they are perfect carriers of anti-bodies, a picture that could remind us of rucksacks. So they leave the blood vessels and „conquer“ mucous embranes. The anti-bodies are programmed to recognize certain enemies. However no enemy at all enters the body. There are merely a hazelnut, a strawberry, some flower pollen, nothing serious, simply ignorable. However the mis-programmed white bloodcells regard them as enemies. Whenever they get in touch with them, the antibody „explode“ and set the Histamine free. The inflammation leads to warmth in that area which in turn increases the blood vessels‘ diameter, so that more blood and with it more defending bloodcells can enter. Depending on where these explosives detonate we have to sneeze or our eyes start itching or in really bad cases our bronchial tube shuts down because of the surrounding swelling. The worst case may force us into a shock state that can kill us. The try to protect ourselves leads to the direct opposite: self-destruction.

Hazelnut, strawberry and flower pollen admittedly are as dead as can be - but if it goes really badly we are, too.

Sorry, I did not mention, what this is all about:


Is it so far fetched to think that our enduring medical efforts NOT to get ill, e.g. with the help of vaccinations, our immune systems looks out for new challenges? Could it be that the lack of diseases in our lives lead directly to the development of allergies? When I do not have to fight measels, mumps and scarlet and other so-called children‘s diseases, is it so unthinkable that my immune system gets bored and simply fights anything just because it is its task to fight. What‘s a fighter without opponent?

And could allergies be reduced if we returned allowing children‘s diseases? Can it be healthy to get ill every now and then? Is it that what the allergy wants to tell us?
Or why for heaven‘s sake should anyone seriously consider to have a fight with a strawberry?

Allergies relate to emotions. That is why after the figurative and medical interpretation a third one, the emotional one, shall follow.

Hypnotherapy can get you into a state of consciousness, where you are open to suggestions like „imagine it is winter you are walking in the snow covered mountains“. The person immediately stops sneezing since unconsciously they know there are no pollen in the winter air so that they just do not care. However the opposite is also true: when the same person IS in the mountains in winter and we suggest instead they were walking through a dry meadow where everything grows and flowers and the air is full of pollen, they gets their hayfever attack - even without the slightest sign of an allergen.

So it seems the allergen, be it dangerous or harmless, does not even play the main role in this play. Emotions and beliefs seem to decide whether we react allergic or not. People suffering from asthma e.g. must not get upset, since that may cause an acute attack.

And there is something else one should know: when we first get in contact with an allergen we do not show any reaction. Internally however our immune cels recognize the pollen or whatever it is as an enemy and keep this information. There are special memory cels that spread the information of „another attack by the bad protein“ so that the already prepared antibodies can take their action. And that is the point.

Why does this happen? Why this error? What fosters unnecessary immune reactions? What makes the hazel bin Laden in the ‚eyes‘ of our memory cells? What makes us so angry and aggressive? This error in judgement makes the allergy possible.

Let me introduce you to some well-known Bach flowers, that have shown to be helpful in cases of allergy. Of course they help to cope with the underlying emotional patterns of the problem and should not be mistaken as medicaments. Perhaps you find something in the following that gives you a clue to what may help you in case you are allergic to anything.

Crab Apple - Malus sylvestris

This essence helps a special type of person to relax: the one who has a basic fear of dirt, infections, any kind of mess. This person needs the order, order supports, gives a safe frame to everything, helps with orientating in the world. Order means stability.
On the other hand we have all those changes. Leave the house alone for the holidays - and it will have changed when you come back. Dirt and disorder constantly try to distroy one‘s stability. Which makes a constant struggle necessary.
The Crab Apple type seems like a very very conservative, he wants nothing to change and he is disgusted by dirt. Edward Bach put this essence in the category flowers for hopeless and desperate people. No wonder they know they can never win their fight.
Beyond that there is another problem: their very own body is a source of dirt. As soon as they begin to work, they sweat and consequently disgust themselves. Not to mention urine and the other thing...
Ok, that is extreme. But there are cases that the common desire of purity becomes an obsession and leads to strange habits like having to wash one‘s hand countless times.
In terms of allergies we find an analogy on the behavioural and physical level: the overreaction to neutral things.
It is not the dust, that fights us - it is us who fight the dust.
This does not work. We cannot fight the dark in order to get eternal light, we do not get the yin without the yang. The solution is not to put more effort in fighting dirt and dust, but on the contrary to accept them. To live with them.
So this may also be a help for people who constantly struggle for enlightenment while ignoring their body and its needs.
Anyway Crab Apple is the essence that helps to feel comfortable with oneself, to accept oneself the way it looks. Which makes the essence a great helper in times of puberty.
The essence takes the fear of the unforeseeable, the unusual, the chaos. It needs a lot of muscle tension to keep alert all the time, since you never know when the bacteria will attack you. Once you emotionally relax your body will follow.
Perhaps there will be no more need to fight pollen protein.

Impatiens - Impatiens glandulifera

The flower for fast people, they are fast in everything they do, thinking, acting, reacting, sometimes they are so fast that they first shoot - then ask. Can lead to problems.
The essence is helpful for everyone who is always rushing around, immediately irritated and angry because of his impatience. If that should be one of your character traits you may consider using Impatiens, it will help you to calm down and relax.
On the physical level it is very much the same. People of the Impatiens type easily get sick and the disease develops rapidly - but also goes very soon and fast. Sometimes their temperature rises within hours and falls to normal short after it reached its peak, while others suffer from the same disease very much longer.
Among all the Bach flowers Impatiens certainly is the strongest relaxing one. The essence helps the people to adapt their inner rhythm to the ones of the people around them. This reduces stress and helps to socialize, instead of having to feel the inner need to always be the first - and always alone.
You can use the essence to treat fever and imflammations and - like in our case - over reactions called allergies.

Agrimony - Agrimonia eupatoria

This is a Bach flower, too. One that serves the people who are constantly searching for peace and harmony in their lives. They try to please everybody. Friendly even charming people, almost everybody‘s darling - however not really happy. Such people show a smiling face but try to hide their sadness, confusion and depression behind this mask. Their wellbeing depends on how the others feel. Their inner reality however must not be shown to anyone. All the world‘s a stage and all men and women merely players, this well know Shakepearian quote fits. The Agrimony type is an actor, even a good one. Nobody ever expects him to be other than a joyous, nice person. They swallow their pain and their tears, until they show up elsewhere - perhaps as an allergy.
Agrimony keeps his aggression as well as his sorrow to himself and bottles them inside. Only when he is alone they seem to be still active, active enough to be noticed. That is why the Agrimony type hates to be alone. As soon as there is no more distraction from outside available all the pain tries to find its way out. So he has to run away from it and look for the company of others. There he plays the funny type who can entertain the whole party by himself.
He never dares to present his weakness, he feels everyone would reject him if they knew what a sad, insecure and hopeless person he is.
Agrimony is for the type that lacks the courage to be honest to himself and others. He only feels safe when he can play his role as entertainer.
Allergies show the other side of the coin, they turn all the stuffed emotions into aggression towards oneself instead to express them freely.

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