Magic and Sunshine
Do not feel too safe, drama waits everywhere. For example on a nice normal day, when you are going to shop in the city. It feels alright, everybody is busy, cars are rushing as usually, pedestrians hurry, others stroll and do some windowshopping, some chat with friends or neighbours, postmen deliver letters and parcels, here and there smells of coffee and fresh baked bread leave the shops, everything is fine, everyone is happy.
But not for very long.
Right now a cardriver loses his cellphone that falls to the ground and while fumbling around to get it back, he misses the red trafficlight and crashes into another car. What a bang! Little pieces of glass fly around, tyres squeak, drivers try to avoid crashing into the already involved cars, somebody screams, something smokes - then stillness.
Everyone who was busy with anything else only a second ago stares at the scene, cannot believe the damage. The cars look like battered cans, the people are trapped and cannot get out, only a dog was catapulted outside and lies bleeding and whimpering on the asphalt.
Shocked, motionless and somehow paralyzed the people surround the place, some close their eyes, nobody speaks. The more courageous among them approach the scene and stand still again, not knowing what to do, overpowered by helplessness and insecurity.
The people stand around and do nothing. Everybody waits for the messias to come and solve the problem. And thank God: there he comes, the great magician.
And he uses the magic formula: Hocuspocus!
Ok, that is nonsense. Actually he says: let me through, I am a doctor!
And the Red Sea of a staring crowd makes way for the rescuer.
Thank God, at last someone competent and straight-forward comes and takes away our sorrow, fear and responsibility. He gives precise orders - „You call the amubulance“ - „You get a blanket“ - „You come and help me“ - „You do this or that“. And every single magic formula gets one of us out of the paralyses. Sometimes it feels as if these formulas are meant to help us, not the victims of the car crash.
Which leads us to the question: what shall we do when we believe only a miracle could save us? When we feel totally uncapable, helpless and numb?
Would it not be great if somebody came, said hocuspocus and everything would be fine again?
Here comes the bad news: it does not work that way. At least not very often. Waiting for the wonder rarely changes anything.
But! Again one of the buts, this time a good one: there is help available! Just take a look at the flower essence world.
When I feel down and nobody comes to recue me, there are (at least) three flower essences that may help. In the end I have to do something myself, of course. Anyway taking some essences can be the first step to take over responsibility for oneself, more steps will have to follow, however the biggest may already have been taken. So here are the three flower to help me out of situations when I feel powerless and desperate and undecisive:
Rosemary - Rosmarin - Rosmarinus officinalis
This is the essence to get you back into reality, into the here and now. Rosemary wakes you up, makes you alert and decisive. And it is also an emergency remedy. When somebody faints - and this is meant in a medical sense, too - one or two drops of Rosemary essence can be massaged into point 26 of the Gouverneur meridian. It will bring the person back to consciousness. This point, called renzhong, is the point of resuscitation in acupuncture. You can find it right underneath your nose.
Sunflower - Sonnenblume - Helianthus annuus
Well, now we are awake with the help of Rosemary, but still feel weak and overwhelmed. You can say Rosemary activates all the energy that is left on the Gouverneur to bring you back to live. Sunflower however is the essence, that loads it with new energy. Sunflower essence reloads our inner battery, strengthens the back, gives us power and helps to make decisions and stand to them.
The gardeners among you may have noticed that Sunflowers direct the sunlight into the ground and loads it this way with new energy. Next year other plants will be more healthy, try it out.
For those of you, who like to dive in the field of acupuncture, Sunflower-Pollen may be of interest. Like all pollen essences this one, too, has a direct impact on the meridians. Sunflower Pollen can be used on the spine for any weakness there.
Magnolia - Magnolie - Magnolia soulangeana
This is a kind of magical essence, it supports the archetype of the magician in all of us. It brings us insight into the deeper meaning of our experiences she makes us notice what we may dislike: our „dark side“.
One of a magician‘s characteristics is his courage even when nothing is certain. A magician should be cautious but he is not afraid of people, things, situations and experiences he does not yet know. When we strengthen our inner magician, we shall never reach the point of total hopelessness. We may wish a rescue from outside may appear but we do not depend on it. Sometimes we cannot help ourselves, since we are social beings and part of families and societies. But this should not stop us from being active. Many people suffer just because they feel unable to ask others for help, since that would mean to admit weakness, and weakness is very very bad as we all know.
Magnolia is the essence of self-knowledge. You can regard it as sisterplant to Lotus. It is certainly not by accident that you can find the expression „Lotusflower on a tree“ in old Chinese books of wisdom. Self-knowledge however means to face one‘s own imperfection, which may be painful in the first place but also relieving.
Anyway: Magnolia does not leave us helpless in the dark. By strengthening the inner magician it enable us to actively seek help instead of just praying for it.
The combination of the three mentioned essences does not make the knight on the white horse appear. Sleeping Beauty has to wake up by herself.
Something that is an issue for male sleeping beauties, since they have learned that admitting to be weak is a kind of self-castration and white knights are for little girls only. That means they forbid themselves to have hope! So most of them would never admit they would love to be rescued. That makes Sunflower as carrier of male or Yang-energy and Magnolia as provider of insight so important.
All three flower provide us with the capacity to act, they help us accept uncertainty and fac it without fear or numbness.