„Eureka“ shouted Archimedes in the tub „I got it“, when he suddenly discovered his principle. And in same way it is also the priciple of the Dream-Bath combination. When you can not find a solution, remember a name, see what is right before your eyes, you may need a little relaxation, calmness of the mind and see the solution that has always been inside. Find peace in your dreams as well as in your body - and certainly in the bath.
Mental and emotional stress are also reflected in the body tension. If our muscles are tense and hard, then it is because they received the nervous impulse to do so. The mixture will affect this. Relax the body, calm the mind, let your mind fly and dream - that‘s what the flower essences are about that are included in the mix:
Mugwort - Artemisia vulgaris
Saint John‘s Wort - Hypericum perforatum
Dandelion - Taraxacum officinalis
White Chestnut - Aesculus hippocastanum
Wormwood - Artemisia absinthum
Dandelion and St John‘s Wort center energy in the heart and solar plexus. Dandelion relieves the tension resulting from what you are going through right now or have been for some time or even for an eternity. The causes of the tension that Dandelion relieves thus lie in the past. St. John‘s Wort‘s effects aim at the fears about the future. The essence brings calmness in the face of the uncertainty of what is to come and gives you courage and carefreeness. White Chestnut helps to let go of the circling thoughts. Wormwood makes honest and authentic, while its sister plant Mugwort lets you dream and have faith in the night, the darkness and the moonlight and to enjoy this sensual experience, your own depths, intuition and wisdom.
„Eureka“ shouted Archimedes in the tub „I got it“, when he suddenly discovered his principle. And in same way it is also the priciple of the Dream-Bath combination. When you can not find a solution, remember a name, see what is right before your eyes, you may need a little relaxation, calmness of the mind and see the solution that has always been inside. Find peace in your dreams as well as in your body - and certainly in the bath.
Mental and emotional stress are also reflected in the body tension. If our muscles are tense and hard, then it is because they received the nervous impulse to do so. The mixture will affect this. Relax the body, calm the mind, let your mind fly and dream - that‘s what the flower essences are about that are included in the mix:
Mugwort - Artemisia vulgaris
Saint John‘s Wort - Hypericum perforatum
Dandelion - Taraxacum officinalis
White Chestnut - Aesculus hippocastanum
Wormwood - Artemisia absinthum
Dandelion and St John‘s Wort center energy in the heart and solar plexus. Dandelion relieves the tension resulting from what you are going through right now or have been for some time or even for an eternity. The causes of the tension that Dandelion relieves thus lie in the past. St. John‘s Wort‘s effects aim at the fears about the future. The essence brings calmness in the face of the uncertainty of what is to come and gives you courage and carefreeness. White Chestnut helps to let go of the circling thoughts. Wormwood makes honest and authentic, while its sister plant Mugwort lets you dream and have faith in the night, the darkness and the moonlight and to enjoy this sensual experience, your own depths, intuition and wisdom.