The dragonfly is an messenger of luck. Having it as a friend brings joy and fulfillment.
Dragonflies are extremely skilled flyers. They can stand still in the air, fly vertically, forward and backward, to the left and to the right, showing an extraordinary mobility. Dragonfly medicine causes change and regeneration. It helps to see through illusions and strive for true goals. It helps to mature and strengthens the personality.
A dragonfly as a totem means having the power of light on your side. You can become the messenger of wisdom that brings enlightenment to others.
If you meet a dragonfly in a dream, it indicates that there is a deep unfulfilled need to pay attention to. Is what we wish for really what we want deep inside? And is there something we have been postponed for a long time, that needs to come to fruition? A dragonfly in a dream is a good omen.
Dragonflies Energy stands for lightness, emotional expression, happiness, harmony, enlightenment, inner light, peace and prosperity.
The dragonfly is an messenger of luck. Having it as a friend brings joy and fulfillment.
Dragonflies are extremely skilled flyers. They can stand still in the air, fly vertically, forward and backward, to the left and to the right, showing an extraordinary mobility. Dragonfly medicine causes change and regeneration. It helps to see through illusions and strive for true goals. It helps to mature and strengthens the personality.
A dragonfly as a totem means having the power of light on your side. You can become the messenger of wisdom that brings enlightenment to others.
If you meet a dragonfly in a dream, it indicates that there is a deep unfulfilled need to pay attention to. Is what we wish for really what we want deep inside? And is there something we have been postponed for a long time, that needs to come to fruition? A dragonfly in a dream is a good omen.
Dragonflies Energy stands for lightness, emotional expression, happiness, harmony, enlightenment, inner light, peace and prosperity.