The Heart Chakra is the center between the physical forces (lower three Chakras) and the spiritual ones (upper three Chakras), these forces meet in the heart and are merged with love, so that everything can turn out fine for us. Whenever inner forces are fighting within you, the emotional and the rational, the mind and the soul or whatever, the Heart Chakra helps you to find a solution.
The major ingredients of a fullfilling life: cooperation and empathy, respect, balance of activity and passivity, be able to give and receive love, act from your heart, grow beyond your ego, be and feel free in relationships. Opens the heart to receiving love, strengthens the ability to love. Find solutions in your heart center.
Authenticity and self-expression, helps to say what one really means and understand what others do.
Apfel - Apple, Fingerhut – Red Foxglove, Kirsche – Cherry, Quitte – Quince, Wegwarte – Chicory.
The Heart Chakra is the center between the physical forces (lower three Chakras) and the spiritual ones (upper three Chakras), these forces meet in the heart and are merged with love, so that everything can turn out fine for us. Whenever inner forces are fighting within you, the emotional and the rational, the mind and the soul or whatever, the Heart Chakra helps you to find a solution.
The major ingredients of a fullfilling life: cooperation and empathy, respect, balance of activity and passivity, be able to give and receive love, act from your heart, grow beyond your ego, be and feel free in relationships. Opens the heart to receiving love, strengthens the ability to love. Find solutions in your heart center.
Authenticity and self-expression, helps to say what one really means and understand what others do.
Apfel - Apple, Fingerhut – Red Foxglove, Kirsche – Cherry, Quitte – Quince, Wegwarte – Chicory.