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This Chakra is about exchange – of information, of energy, of whatever. It is located in the throat (surprise, surprise) and regulates the flow of: food and water, oxygen, nerval impulses, information from head to heart and vice versa.

On the emotional, social, psychological and spiritual level it works on the issue 'authenticity'. A strong and healthy Throat-Chakra means honesty and reliability. Head and heart are aligned. If there should be a blockage people may tend to showing-off, be rude, overly rational or highly emotional, false and dishonest. They do not make the right use of the speaking abilities, they hurt others for nothing.

Shyness and arrogance show the two sides of the coin, when the Throat-Chakra does not work properly. If we however succeed in healing this Chakra, warmth, commitment and authenticity shall be the results.

Salbei – Sage, Ringelblume – Calendula, Lungenblümchen – Lungwort, Wegwarte – Chicory, Strahlenlose Kamile – Pineapple Weed.


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This Chakra is about exchange – of information, of energy, of whatever. It is located in the throat (surprise, surprise) and regulates the flow of: food and water, oxygen, nerval impulses, information from head to heart and vice versa.

On the emotional, social, psychological and spiritual level it works on the issue 'authenticity'. A strong and healthy Throat-Chakra means honesty and reliability. Head and heart are aligned. If there should be a blockage people may tend to showing-off, be rude, overly rational or highly emotional, false and dishonest. They do not make the right use of the speaking abilities, they hurt others for nothing.

Shyness and arrogance show the two sides of the coin, when the Throat-Chakra does not work properly. If we however succeed in healing this Chakra, warmth, commitment and authenticity shall be the results.

Salbei – Sage, Ringelblume – Calendula, Lungenblümchen – Lungwort, Wegwarte – Chicory, Strahlenlose Kamile – Pineapple Weed.