All Flower Essences
All single flowers of Mamboya from A - Z
Animal Spirit Essences
Animal Spirit Essences are prepared in a spiritual-shamanic way. They connect the...
Archetypal Flower Essences
An archetype is the idea behind the form, the invisible essence of...
Archetype Easy
The simple solution. Just don’t ponder, doubt, combine, reject and choose again....
Archetypes of the family
Develop archetypal qualities in yourself. How would my life would have been...
In Mitteleuropa hergestellte Bachblütenessenzen von Mitgliedern, Freunden und Kollegen von Mamboya
Bath Essences
Bathing with harmonious blends of our flower essences. Special recipes for feel-good...
Books and stuff
Books, maps and whatever else is interesting...
Chakra Flower Combinations
Flower Essences for the Chakras The Chakras belong to the basics in...
There is more than just the first aid combination. We offer a...
Consultations, Lectures & Workshops
Flower essence consultations in private, lectures tailor-made on request, workshops on topics...
Environmental Essences
Mamboya environmental essences - pure energy from nature. These essences let you...
Flower Essences For Children
These flower essences complement the flower essences of the pregancy set. They...
Flower Essences for the Pregnancy
Since the early 1990’s we have been researching the most effective use...
Gem Essences
Mamboya gemstone essence collection
Helper Archetypes
Sometimes even Gods need a little help. These essences make further assistance...
Individual combination
Your personal essence remedy
Mamboya Pleasure Series
The simple delight: our pleasure essences.No analysis, no discussion, no complaints, no...
Meditation Collection
Six special combinations for special moments. And quite ordinary ones. Meditation helpers, who will...
Mushroom Essences
Mushrooms have paradoxical energies that are sometimes difficult to understand. On the...
Music Downloads
Music and meditation downloads
Orchid Collection
Mankind's formula for success is their adaptability. On the plant level orchids...
Pollen Essences
Pollen carries a tremendous powerful energy, it is almost indestructible. Even in...
Research Essences
Our newest flower essences. We are working to get to know them...