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Mamboya Flower Essences



Regular price €9,00 EUR
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Bindweed Trio - The Self-liberation Trio

Liberation from insecurity and dependency. Overcome the fear of letting go so that you can stand on your own two feet, not on anyone else’s.

Bindweed Trio

Consists of

  • Field Bindweed - Convolvulus arvensis
    For those who cling to what they already know, for habitual people who feel uncomfortable when they are to try or experience something new.
    If a possibly unconscious fear of the new, the unknown, the unfamiliar exists, it feels better to deny it than to take it into consideration. This leads to an avoidance attitude. One moves around in the circle of the known and does not allow oneself to make new experiences, to learn and to outgrow oneself.
    Field Bindweed is a flower essence that helps to develop your potential. It shows what would be possible if you only looked outside the box once, overcame your fears and worries and dared to take the step to liberation. Change is a good thing. You just have to allow it.

  • Morning Glory - Ipomoea purpurea
    Morning glory gives the energy to clean up in life, to dismiss old things from life and one’s biography and to make room for something new.
    Restlessness, nervousness and inner chaos characterize the areas of application of this essence. It helps to let go of addictions, purifies the body and gives it new strength and vitality. This essence teaches to live intensively without the need for artificial aids.
    It is about independence, to be able to stand on your own feet, gain inner peace, understanding of yourself and your purpose and celebrate a new beginning.

  • Hedge Bindweed - Calystegia sepium
    Hedge Bindweed is a flower essence for addicts. It does not matter what someone is dependent on. On a partner, chocolate or jogging, on the past or one’s victim role. There are plenty of opportunities to renounce your own independence - although not aware - if only a reward beckons, of which one believes not being able to do without it.
    Hedge Bindweed is the flower of freedom of decision. It’s about not making decisions on the basis of what you can not stop doing, but striving for what brings you further, what is good for you, and heals you inwardly.
    Hedge Bindweed lets arise the idea of a new beginning first, it counteracts old convictions, and then brings strength to endure such a process and bring it to a successful conclusion.
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