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Mamboya Flower Essences

Cross-leaved Heath

Cross-leaved Heath

Regular price €9,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €9,00 EUR
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Cross-leaved heath - Erica tetralix

This flower essence lets you notice the comic and funny aspects in difficult situations, which  takes the edge off the problem. Cross-leaved heath gives you a thick skin, warmth and humor, which allows to persevere in times of confrontation. „Do not bend, but remain true to thyself“ is the lesson this flower teaches.

If you experienced „difficult situations“ already in the childhood, whether by breaking up the family, alcoholism of a parent, abuse and disregard for the integrity of the child‘s mind as well as the child‘s body, they trigger a feeling of worthlessness. When people they love the most, hurt them, children tend to solve the conflict by taking the responsibility. They believe they have caused the abuse themselves.

People who feel like or indeed are outsiders experience a stigma, that causes rejection. They feel  disliked and discarded for the rest of their lives, even if it is not the case. Cross-leaved heath helps them to regain their selfconsciousness and self-worth and that in turn helps to make new contacts and overcome shyness.

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