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Mamboya Flower Essences

Dirk Albrodt - The Essence of Meditation

Dirk Albrodt - The Essence of Meditation

Regular price €18,00 EUR
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Dirk Albrodt - The Essence of Meditation

Flower essences and meditation are not alien to each other. Essences can teach you to meditate, meditation can teach you to understand flowers better. Together, they help a liberated mind that can not be disturbed by anything.

This book presents the most important flower essences when it comes to meditation. It explains what happens in the mind and in the brain when you meditate and how the subtle vibrations of essences can support finding inner peace and tranquility.

Available as paperback and ebook (epub, mobi and pdf)

ISBN print edition: 978-9-0829-9863-4
ISBN Ebook (epub format): 978-9-0829-9860-4
ISBN Ebook (mobi format for Kindle): 978-9-0829-9861-0
ISBN Ebook (pdf format): 978-9-0829-9862-7

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