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Mamboya Flower Essences



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The wisdom of the East is obtained by getting to know and using one’s creative talents, giving up old habits, practicing the exchange of energy with others, in the sense of communication and mutual support, but also material energy, that is, things.

Where the sun rises and everything starts.

The East stands for the sunrise and thus for the beginning, the day, the spring, but also of other events as birth and rebirth. In the medicine wheel, the time of the East begins at the Spring equinox when nature awakens.

The sun brings the truth to light, reveals hidden things as well as new possibilities. That is why the East is associated with clarity and enlightenment.

It is the time of the child who explores the world in a playful, unbiased and unprejudiced way. To reach the wisdom of the East, there are three ways: to learn to know and use one’s creative talents, to give up old habits, to train the exchange of energy with others, in the sense of communication and mutual support, but also material energy, say things.

East combination

Is therefore suitable for new beginnings. If you are stuck in old habits and perspectives, the world has changed, but you yourself have stayed the same and although you somehow do not fit anymore. When drive and curiosity and the joy of playful discovery have been lost, and you need inner strength and at the same time doubt about yourself. If you should think you will not get another chance: go east and re-define your qualities.

The keywords of the East are: clarity, enlightenment, wisdom.

This essence combination consists of:

Star of Bethlehem - Ornitogalum umbellatum

The well-known Bach flower is the essence of birth and new beginnings, it gives you a second chance. Overcome stagnation, especially if you are in a state of shock. According to Edward Bach, this is the flower that helps you relief your trauma. Falling is ok, remain lying so much.

Walnut germ - Juglans regia

Walnut is a Bach flower. In this case, however, it is not the flower essence but the germ essence. Freshly germinated walnuts were used for the preparation. This corresponds to the image of the breakthrough, for which also the flower essence stands. Do not let yourself be stopped, it is now or never. A nut can survive for a long time, a germ has to implement what is inside of him, hesitation means danger. Rodents, parasites and bacteria lurk, the germ must take root and become a tree. It’s a vulnerable time, it takes strength, determination and perseverance. When it comes down to using your potential, Walnut seed is the essence of choice.


The gem of the East is the Opal, a stone for the soul and the love. He is considered a fountain of youth and good luck charm. His essence reveals the beauty in everything, even in oneself and in what one suppresses in oneself. Therefore, it is particularly suitable for people who seem to be frozen, frustrated and stuck because they can not see the way ahead. Sometimes they become tired of being apathetic or even of life.

Opal stimulates and lets go beyond borders, which too often only exist in the imagination. He helps to relax and take it easy, takes away the inhibitions, promotes sensitivity and intuition and is suitable for alleviating physical, emotional and sexual ailments.

The essence also promotes imagination and inspiration, will to live and quality of life.

Spring Moon

There could be no other environmental essence in the East combination. The spring moon is the first full moon after the beginning of spring, for Christians it is the sign of Easter - and at Easter this essence was made.

Everything is possible. Fasting and waiting come to an end, the first full moon in spring gives wings to the soul. The spring moon means the first tingling after the long winter, it stimulates circulation, joie de vivre, curiosity and enthusiasm and opens one for new feelings. The slags of winter are burned, the old has done its job. Now it should not stand in the way of the new.

The moon has always been inspirational for all lovers. This is especially true for the spring moon. Whoever has forgotten what it is like when the heart jumps in the body, who has closed up because he feels too old or too inadequate or deceived by fate, may simply fail on his own. These inner blockages the spring moon tears down with gentle kisses.

Now there is nothing between yourself and a vivid future full of enthusiasm, devotion and ecstasy.


The eagle is the keeper of the east. He looks at the world from above, surveying the occurences and the destination. He hovers above the earthly chaos and recognizes the patterns and structures. That makes him an excellent leader. With the energy of the eagle one gains courage, strength, consciousness, insight and wisdom. He is considered the messenger of the sky. When we see him, he points out that there is a message for us. When we listen to him inside, he leads us to the highest heights. He connects the human with the heavenly realm.

If you want to start something new, start in the East. Change and growth begin here. These essences are not especially for children or shaman students. Especially when you have set yourself up in life and everything is routine and automated and thus has become a bit boring and predictable, East essence brings fresh momentum. When planning something new, be it spatial, mental, social or material, inspiration and strength can be found in the East.

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