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Mamboya Flower Essences



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The north is associated with winter, silence, sleep and yet there happens a lot. The nerve cells seem to shrink. This creates space between them so that the inner cleaning crews can clean up. For example, waste products are involved in nerve activity like proteins that can be removed with sufficient sleep. Lack of sleep inevitably requires increased effort in cleaning. There is a danger of destroying synapses, so that sleep deprivation can be considered as a possible cause of dementia.

In the different phases of sleep all sorts of activities take place that we are not aware of. In order to learn an alternation of concentration and relaxation is required. Only that consolidates what has been learned in the brain. Panic-like swotting in the night before the exam ultimately ensures lack of sleep, corresponding lack of consolidation of the learned and thus less knowledge when it comes down to it. Not a good idea. There is nothing to be said against recapitulating what has been learned before going to bed in order to give the brain an indication of what it should occupy itself with at night - not concentrated but disordered, associative, accidental. That is what the evening or autumn serves in the medicine wheel.

Finally, growth hormone is produced during sleep, which even speaks against going through all night, even if you have already passed the growth phase for a while. Because this hormone has a protective function for the heart, thus preventing heart attacks.

Sleep as well as winter as resting periods for humans and nature are thus not a waste of time but necessary and helpful. At times when we lived more in the rhythm of nature, it was easier to see, today we barely care. What do we have winter tires, electric lights and central heating for? The confusion of our biorhythm is an unfortunate side effect of it. Actually, we should sit comfortably around the fire and mend skins, sharpen knives and repair our equipment while summing up the events of last year. And possibly die out, but we shall get that with modern technology as well. Using technology does not necessarily mean turning away from natural rhythms. For the recollection we have medicine wheel essences.

In case I shall forget my roots and my rhythm I can use the North Essence, which helps me to return to myself, give myself a rest period, learn from the experience I made, clean up internally and regenerate myself.


In the medicine wheel north stands for wisdom, gratitude, cleansing, renewal.

The essence combination consists of:

Birch - Betula pendula

Birch possesses a healing energy that can straighten you up internally. The essence provides access to inner resources and the feeling of being safe and protected. (Winter) Sleep is not convalescent when you are stressed and restless because you feel threatened and vulnerable.

The essence brings serenity and inner distance to the world and all its strife and chaos. Birch has the great power to let us see a situation with wisdom, humor and irony, to soften the seriousness of the matter and to assure ourselves that we will find the right solution.

The feeling that Birch gives us access to is that of a bear cub, snuggling into its mother’s coat and getting through the winter safely. Birch knows that everything will be fine, and above all, she knows: you can do it!

Apple Germ - Malus domestica

The apple tree has got the hang of it when it comes to protecting oneself from confusion of the internal clock. If the seeds already germinated in autumn, winter would kill the tender plants with its cold. Does not happen. Apple seeds do not germinate until they have been frosty for a while. Only when it gets warmer again, they realize that their time has come.

We know apple essences as health promoters, the apple germ essence fits in there. It virtually prevents the false start, gives health and life energy time to consolidate. It is especially helpful for those who due to illness or injury have to stay in bed. It teaches to trust in the self-healing powers of the body and not to rush things.

The Green Pond

This environmental essence promotes silence, fertility, inner growth.

In times of standstill, things develop below the conscious radar, things that we’ve created earlier, like seeds germinate in darkness. This essence promotes the realization of our dreams. It is important to clarify your intention and to set conscious goals before using this essence. It brings the confidence that your unconscious will do the right thing to move you towards your goal.

Meditation is often disturbed by inner restlessness, as well as sleep and the ability to listen. The green pond makes you stable inside and sure that you can achieve everything from within your own center that is in harmony with your own personality.

Herkimer Diamond

This is a quartz, not a diamond, it just reminds you of one. Its main function is cleansing and clarification, physically, mentally and emotionally. The physical purification also leads to more vitality as does the mental. Freeing yourself from contaminated toxic waste frees your mind, reveals patterns and essentials, and helps to make clear decisions.

Herkimer Diamant lets you notice your mistakes and weaknesses without judging you. Rather, it supports their correction on the path of self-realization. It strengthens the consciousness, brings orientation and clarity. This also while dreaming. The essence helps to remember your dreams and to find more clarity about their symbols and meaning.


More specifically, the white buffalo, the female white buffalo, the guardian of the north. According to legend, she is the mother of the white buffalo calves who, in the course of their lives, will adopt the colors of the human races: red, yellow, black and white. But only the one who shows all the colors in succession is a sacred buffalo. The great transformation of humanity takes place when four such buffaloes meet at the crotch and each chooses the right path on earth. That brings salvation. If they chose the wrong one, it brings destruction.

So it’s up to us. The white buffalo takes us to the place where we can decide, the decision itself is with us. And this place is in the north, where it is quiet and nothing can distract us.

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