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Mamboya Flower Essences



Regular price €9,00 EUR
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Consists of Copper Beech, Black Cherry Plum and Mock Orange

With this combination of flowers we want to approach the dissolution, not destruction, of the self. Why are we afraid of the disappearance of something that according to Buddhism does not exist anyway, something that modern psychology is increasingly inclined to confirm. This remedy is about letting go of all our attachments, letting go of the I as well as the you, not having to have any opinion, and certainly not about any particular issue, even if it seems to be demanded, neither swim against the stream nor go with the flow. Do not swim at all. Trust in the universe. Stop wanting to control everything. Try to bear to be completely unimportant.

Copper Beech gives us the essence of the end, as it were of the death of something, not necessarily a bad ending or one with horror, but a gentle, calm, agreeable one. The great strong Copper Beech leads us across the threshold, it does not push us over it. The strong friend and guide we have always wanted.

Mock Orange stands for contemplation, insight and centering. Its essence works like a pilot through chaos. If forces threaten to tear you apart, Mock Orange helps you to stay well-balanced in your center. It teaches to see the light in the dark.

Finally, Black Cherry Plum, which dissolves the last attachment that we have with our ego. We know her sister Cherry Plum as the Bach flower, which protects and strengthens those who are afraid to lose control and become mad. In contrast to Cherry Plum this one is about just letting go of the control and infinite trust in whatever may happen.

What is there to gain when you lose your self - and be it only for the moment of meditation?

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