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Mamboya Flower Essences

Solar Roller

Solar Roller

Regular price €12,00 EUR
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Solar Roller

Back into the sunlight

Stress takes us out of the flow of life and forces us into behaviours that we may like less about ourselves, such as running away from situations that seem threatening or becoming aggressive. Both can be a lifesaver in life-threatening moments. But not so much in trials, crises and interpersonal conflicts. Calmness, overview and consistency are more promising there.

Stress switches on the life-saving functions - and switches off the life-shaping functions. I.e. clear thinking, keeping things in mind, working purposefully, planning, analysing - total failure. That’s why, despite the best preparation, we end up stuttering in exams or insulting someone we should perhaps listen to better. Stress makes non-threatened life difficult.

But stress is less the problem than what we make of it. If we keep calm, we can defuse tense situations. If we give in to inner pressure, we let them escalate.

There is a large nerve plexus in the abdomen whose influence can bring us back down to earth and switch on the clear mind again: the solar plexus. An active solar plexus relaxes and brings back the overview, the familiar interruptions of headlessness do not occur. One returns from stress to calm mode, and confusion gives way to level-headed action.

This mixture is offered in a roll-on bottle, because it is supposed to offer quick help depending on the situation, and this is best done through the influence of the wrist pulse. Stroking the inside of the wrist two or three times activates our solar plexus and allows us to return to calmness and determination. Used before all challenging, critical and stressful situations, the Solar Roller helps us to stay balanced and well grounded internally.


  • Arnica
  • Himalayan balsam
  • Yellow yarrow
  • St. John’s wort
  • Rock Rose
  • Sunflower
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