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Mamboya Flower Essences

The Beginning - Star of Bethlehem

The Beginning - Star of Bethlehem

Regular price €9,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €9,00 EUR
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Star of Bethlehem - Ornithogalum umbellatum

The English name of the plant is easily explained: the flower is pure white and star-shaped and  appears in its original area around Christmas (in central Europe in April).

The Star of Bethlehem announced the birth of Christ, which meant for mankind the opportunity to make a fresh start. All the blame was taken with the appearance of the Saviour.

Whenever we need a second chance, when comfort and hope are needed, then Star of Bethlehem should be considered.

By the way, when we dream of births and babies, too. They can reveal a pregnancy, but also be a symbol of new beginnings, plans and projects.

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