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Mamboya Flower Essences

The Trickster - Lungwort

The Trickster - Lungwort

Regular price €9,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €9,00 EUR
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Lungwort - Pulmonaria officinalis

The trump card or the joker, which everyone should have. The Trickster is an archetype like any other, thus already created inside of us not very easy to access sometimes. The Trickster archetype corresponds to the Greek messenger god Hermes, who was already a baby smart enough to steal an entire herd of cows. Who would have believed a baby was a rustler? He mislead his haunters by letting the cows run backwards. That was so brilliant that even Zeus did not punish him, when the whole hoax was uncovered.

The Trickster has still options when others have no way out. He is unconventional, not necessarily law-abiding, but clever, charming and smart, original and brimming with imaginative ideas. Moreover, he has access to all the kingdoms and can cross the thresholds between them, eg to the underworld and the realm of dreams. A windbag and a signpost at the same time.

On the plant-level Lungwort corresponds to this archetype. It's the Joker essence, you will take, when nothing else helps - except a brilliant trick, an unexpected solution or inside information from another world (another area).

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