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Mamboya Flower Essences



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The link between the strong growth period in summer and the growth break in winter. It is time to bring in the harvest. Once again, hard work is needed before the calmer time begins.

In life, autumn symbolizes adulthood and maturity. For someone who can look back on the stormy beginning as a child and the power of adolescence, having accumulated some life experience, being able to take responsibility and make decisions and prepare themselves and their family for the time of silence and contemplation. Provided so far everything went well.

One gets loose of the physical realm and turns inwards, goes through the day in thought again, recognizes the lessons that have been given, and processes them internally. As the events of spring determine the experience in the summer, autumn affects winter, evening the night. On what we direct our devotion during the day is processed in the sleep of the night. Students will get better exams when they reflect the previous day’s learning the following morning, because the good night sleep helps to solidify the knowledge. On the other hand, traumas can sink deeper in the soul when they are experienced in the evening. Deep meditation may indeed be helpful here or whatever you think is appropriate and effective. Shutting down before going to sleep prevents the deepening of the trauma. The inner journey to the West can protect us from harm.

It is the time of the harvest in the literal and figurative sense. If you have lived according to your inner values, cared for yourself,  stayed in harmony with yourself as well as your loved ones, it is not excluded that cheerful grandchildren hop on your lap. If you should have ignored or denied your needs and your identity, have avoided to cope with problems or compensated them with alcohol, then overweight and joint pain and the feeling of having missed something is more likely.

However there is no „too late“ in the medicine wheel. The stay in the „inner west“ can give hints, which stations of your life should be visited again. In the most favorable case, the west brings peace and serenity, gratitude and generosity - just like the essence of the West, which has been composed according to its principles. The famous Thanksgiving Festival, which is celebrated in the US, takes place in a sociable atmosphere, not in the quiet little room.

The time of the breakthrough is over for this year, now is the time of gentleness and wisdom, of counseling, of standing together, not of domination.

In a nutshell, the characteristics of the West are: experience, knowledge, introspection, insight, coming home, goal setting.


The essence that carries these qualities is made up of

Spruce - Picea abies

Serenity, Purification, Joy, Wisdom

The spruce tree resembles a grandfather, to whom one can tell secrets, that your parents would scold you for. Just as the wise, old and affectionate grandfather guarantees the protection and the inviolability of the grandchild, so the spruce creates a haven of security where one no longer has to prove anything. Even the heroes may cry here, who supposedly know no pain.

Retrospect makes up a large part of the effect of this essence, looking back in love, wisdom and humor. The battle of the day is beaten, it is behind you, you are no longer directly involved, but looking at it with a little inner distance. So you can laugh about things that used to be painful, and turn a blind eye when something does not work as you would like.

Almond seed - Prunus dulcis

Balance of silence and action

This essence synchronizes the inner rhythms, the needs of body, soul and emotional life, control and letting go, rest and activity. It makes you listen to the inner master, who knows at all times what is good and right, and joyfully follow his advice. Almond helps you to become one with the inner master and thereby achieve mastery of your life on all levels.

The essence of the freshly germinated almond directs the energy flow to the base chakra, ensuring that we are able to provide ourselves with everything that promotes our growth. Almond seed grounds and provides the basis for the breakthrough to life.

Snowflake Obsidian

Snowflake Obsidian brings the dreamers down to earth and gives them a piece of realism for their inner completion. Its essence makes mindful and protects against unwanted influences.

Grounding, realism, objectivity and insight are the keywords of this gemstone essence. It helps to assess challenges correctly, as well as one’s abilities to overcome them. It helps to learn from mistakes made and to adapt your behavior and reaction patterns to be more successful the next time around.

Symbolically, the white snowflakes of this black stone stand for the light in the darkness that he can show us.

Autumn Light

The water, which serves as a carrier of the autumn light energy, comes from a small reservoir, which is used for drinking water. Walking around it on foot once takes about three quarters of an hour.

The essence was made early in the morning one autumn day after the first night frost of the year. The rising sun warms the ice-cold water, causing fog to rise from the surface reflecting the glistening light. The foliage of the trees of the shore, dark red, orange and gold, framed by the green of the more enduring plants, is reflected in the parts of the lake’s surface that are not yet reached by the sun. It’s cold, the air is filled with bright colors. To breathe in frees you from any pressure on the chest, you feel light, confident and relaxed.

On the morning of the following day after a 24-hour preparation phase including the full moon night, this particular radiance was in the air. People came by, and even if you usually greet each other here in the country, that did not happen that day. One looked at one another, knew that the other understands what is going on here, and remained in reverent silence admiring the spectacle of nature, one with everything and fellow human beings, in one holy moment.

Autumn Light Essence offers this silence, wonder and being right here, which can take away all the burdens. Nothing is as hard as you think. In order to experience something wonderful, there is no need for pyramids, no northern lights and no Stonehenge or anything else (nothing against pyramids, northern lights and Stonehenge), it is here among us. We just have to take the time to look and wonder.


The guardian of the west is the serpent. Her power stands for healing and renewal. It was not by chance that she was chosen as the symbol of medical action that winds around the Aesculap staff. Snake power contributes to recovery including emotional suffering and stress.

To discard the snake skin symbolizes growth. The old suit no longer fits - like the old self-image. That makes the snake energy the autumn power, in which the trees throw off their foliage and undergo a similar metamorphosis.

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